Found a brilliant new road; not a soul in sight on one long descent where I clocked 69.70. Wasn't wearing my shades, so had tears streaming down my cheeks and clouding my eyes. Could push 80km on that stretch I reckon.
Didn't wear the HRM strap, so no idea. But on the SRVI, I'd say I was around 30-ish. Still not really trying to push it. Average speed was about 21kmh. Total ascent: 443.7m. Steepest gradient: 10.4%.
Glad to see Kenny's posting. He's got the opportunity to streak ahead -- I'm in London for two days (along with Obama and the protestors).
forgot to tell you that I dropped a wad at MEC. Got that wind-breaker, pair of bibs ($90), helmet (my old one is trash, and I got to thinking after last weekend's fall), bottle holder and the smallest, most inconspicuous bell they had in stock.