Thursday 30 July 2009

Confidence building

swim today.
Took 15min to warm up. Then did an easy 500 metres in 14min.
Securing wetsuit tomorrow. Bring on the open swim.

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Tuesday 28 July 2009

hangover gone

Great training day. Overcast, cool (relatively) & breezy.
The ride in allayed any fears over my weekend hiatus. Felt strong.
This afternoon's run felt fantastic. No garmin, no music. About 4k and it felt faster than I intended. Impressed with how quickly my HR resumes a relaxed state post-exercise. Taped knee isn't too bad but remains a concern.
The ride home might be a bit more discouraging if this wind keeps up.

update: Yes, I was pushing wind the whole way home tonight.
But am very happy. Though the knee was aching a bit, I felt surprisingly strong.

Monday 27 July 2009

2-week mark

At the 2-week mark prior to your triathlon, spend a day thusly:

Wake up early, one or two hours short of a good night's rest. Don't eat breakfast but do drink lots of coffee. Then spend the entire day outside, in 30 degree heat, without your waterbottle, wading up and down streams that are apparently void of any living trout, save two. Stop at a country-side corner gas bar and load up on chips, coke and shitty chip dip. Forget to tape your knee, douse your skin with toxic pesticide, drink a bunch of GF beer and other libations as you see fit, and stay up late slouching over an outdoor fire.

Repeat on day two.

On day three, after you've returned from your odyssey, go for a 30 minute swim. Your body will remember its rhythm -- the whole muscle-memory business. However, the fear of god will flood your 43 year old mind and you will find yourself muttering "what the hell" over and over again. It's really quite a rush.

Friday 24 July 2009


They call them brick workouts because your legs feel like bricks during the run.

21.75k, 50:58min bike. Managed the Sarcee hill. Then maxed 62.1kph coming down. (I wonder if anyone has ever wiped out from all those little pebbles adorning the shoulders of calgary roads.)

Got running right away (practised taking off cycling shoes while riding. easy). The transition was hard but not overwhelming. HR must have been quite high during the run; breathing like a . . . well, somebody working really hard. Ran for 21:41min (3.8k, avg 5.44k/m). I wouldn't want (or be able) to do this every day, but I am certainly encouraged.

Thursday 23 July 2009

no yellow here

Stage 18 of the tour today; A 40k time trial. Contador's avg speed was
just over 50kph.

My best avg on the commute is 28.7kph. . . . oiy

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Oh, I've been at it. And I've been feeling good.

One highlight is last Tuesday's run.
I booked it. 4.14k / 23:15min. Avg was 5:37m/k. I sprinted the last 500 meters. Couldn't believe it. I just let go and started running. It was 9pm and I had been snacking for the past few hours trying to stave off supper until after the run so I wasn't expecting much. I know it was a short run, but I am very pleased. Now to put it together with the bike.

The commutes are a walk in the park now. A couple of days ago I felt a rider behind me, hanging on about a dozen bike lengths back. I wasn't shaking him so knew it must be a road bike. After a while I waved him up so that we could work together. What a difference.

I still have yet to do an open-water swim. But am quite looking forward to it.

The knee ain't bad. I can bike and run while it is taped. However, even though I have shaved (it's one sexy knee, I tell ya), I've ripped some skin on the inner knee so have taken a few days reprieve from taping.

Monday 20 July 2009

feeding the furnace

It's so simple.
To warm up, breathe every second stroke. Once heart rate settles, slowly introduce bilateral breathing.
Typically, one side is easier than the other regarding taking breaths. Today I discovered that concentrating on the roll (and timing of the roll) makes the awkward side less awkward. Cool.

Took it relatively easy today.
25 minute swim. warm ups and then 2 x 250. Need to do better with my nutrition to keep energy levels up, especially when doing a couple (or three, today) sessions/day.

new course record

As if to make up for a relatively inactive weekend (regarding specific tri-training schedule), I booked it this morning enroute to downtown office.

28:41 minutes, avg speed 28.7kh, max 48.2kh

Maybe I should be wearing yellow, no?

6 km

Saturday morning run: 6k, 36:05 min (6:01 min avg).
Felt great. At the 3 & 4 k mark, was hardly even breathing.

All hail Dr. Timothy Lee. Healer supreme. Sourced problem with right knee and solutions abound. Kneedled and taped, I ran the first 5k without pain. Unbelievable.

Thursday 16 July 2009

13.5k bike (commute)
30 minute swim
13.5k bike (commute)

the swim, btw, as good, continuous, med/hard. Have discovered the secret to warming up in the water. Start with breathing every second stroke. As that becomes easy (and interruptive) add a 3 stroke breath occasionally, increasing frequency of 3 stroke rhythm as it becomes natural. Voila.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

lovin the rain

18:28min run / 3.28k
avg: 5:38min/k

drizzling and cool alongside downtown river pathway. Perfect running weather. Knee felt surprisingly good. Felt strong and happy and fast. Have impression that things are coming together as the running stamina comes quickly back. (ya, ya, I know. 3.28k, big deal. But it's a headgame, right? And I'm playin it baby. And I really do feel good.)

physio on friday for some fine-tuning.

Monday 13 July 2009

ready for open water

40 min swim, inclusive of 24 min 750.
(practised site stroke a bit)

I watched a local triathlon this weekend. Keyed in on swim starts and transitions.
- some of the elites were breathing every second stroke.
- know where to dismount bike. Don't dismount too early.
- one of the swimmers checked out the water departure area; thought that was smart
- ample opportunity to swim warm up
- lots were easing into water on start
- a few were swimming badly off-course
- shouldn't be a problem wearing socks for run (lots were)
- try to set up transition on one of the ends
- some helmets had sunglasses clip, might be quite handy

Very inspiring. Especially watching the elites booking it in swim and on bike. Hope to buy my wetsuit this week. Am anxious to get to open water.

not the Pyrenees

july 12 bike
28.2k, 67:51, avg: 25.3kph, max 55kph

the sarcee hill is not a 1000m per earlier post. It is 2.5k and it takes me all the way down the granny gear. And the ring road is now open so I no longer have it to myself. This route will be good training; pity I am only getting to it with less than 4 weeks to go. Looping back round to the sarcee descent was a nice addition and now that my tires are at the proper 120lbs, I booked it down the backside!

Then, returning home and feeling rather chuffed, I sat down and watched the tour kick bloody ass for 160k over the Tourmalet. I'm at once inspired and utterly humbled.
july 10 run
5.25k, 30:45min.

Wednesday 8 July 2009


30 minute, easy swim.
feeling my left shoulder some.
concentrating on stroke, reach, roll. Tried a couple of sighting stokes. Need to get to the open water.


18 minute nooner. 3.3k downtown paths.
happy with 5:31/km, but am fully aware of my need to ramp up the running. 4 weeks.
4 Weeks!

Monday 6 July 2009

Fartlek Swimming

5 minute warm-up (2/3/2 breathing).
20 minute/1000 meter swim, zenning all the way.
Then I turned it up about 5 notches and swam very hard for 50 meters. I fukin booked it, with zippy flip turns at the 25. Then I did it again, and again, with breathers in between the splits. Made sure I was breathing hard at the 50s. Fanfukingtastic! (I won't mention the twinge it put in my left shoulder).
Finished off with a couple 50s and a 100 warm-down.

Starting to focus on open swims. Drove by Lake Chaparral yesterday.

country biking

I think I might have had a small glimpse into by brother's english biking experiences.

After turning off of the double lane, divided highway that sported such wide shoulders, I had an experience of damascan proportions. It suddenly became all quiet 'cept for the buzz of my tires. Gone were the 5 metre wide shoulders but so too was all the traffic; and any traffic that remained was palpably less intense and aggressive. Gone also were the exhaust fumes (you can instantly tell which vehicles burn below emission standards). Those odours were replaced by heady, full bouquets of hay and canola fields, aspen, horse barns, dogwood and thunderclouds.

Yes, you can smell thunderclouds. You can also see them, feel them and hear them. I wondered if I should get off the bike for fear of the lightening but I figured the telephone poles would be a more likely target and so continued on with a huge smile on my face as the rain pelted down and streaked across my face, arms and legs. It was brilliant.

59:12min / 28.5k

Thursday 2 July 2009

canada day swim

30 minutes
warm-up, drills, and an enjoyable 500