Wednesday 3 June 2009

Hiatus over

Caught loads of fish and done loads of work in the past few weeks, and that's about it.
However, having abandoned the crazy triathlon dream, it's now back to the original one of doing well in the half marathon in September.

Training for that began with a 7km run -- an up and down, literally (up 3.5km along a hill rising to 10% at times; and back). That went ok, although I felt some knee twinges. Last night, I ran the streets of London doing 4km (what's up with 4-k runs on a programme??) in about 19 minutes, which was satisfying. The average pace was around 4.50m/km. Funny what running on flat streets does.


  1. welcome back, my buoyant friend

  2. may I suggest we use diff colours in our titles. I'll continue with the green and you might pick a diff colour . . . say light blue?
