Monday 8 June 2009

Zen Swim:

a state of total comfort, rhythmic breathing and dophin-like presence in the water.

I've achieved it a few times before but certainly didn't expect it today. I am tired and sore; like when your body zones-out on you during lulls in a strong training schedule. But no, I wasn't training this weekend, unless you count being bent over 200 paving stones for two days.

So when I showed up at the pool this aft, I wasn't expecting much. Is that the key? I did my breathing thing pre-water, which seemed to help again, and did a good 2 x 250.

Then, it happened. 30 minutes later and I'm still going strong, completely zoned, relaxed and concentrating on excellent form & smooth flip-turns. Effortless, steady and smooth. Even having someone come in and share the lane briefly didn't pull me from the zen swim. Didn't want to leave (why did I?).

It was effortless. But now, 25 minutes later, I am exhausted to the point of having trouble remaining in a seated position in front of this computer.

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