Thursday 28 May 2009

windy return

So I'm back in the saddle for return commute, still on the downtown pathway by zoo where there are some hidden underpasses and such which means I am abiding by pathway etiquette when a couple of big-boned fellas huff past me on mountain bikes. Me in my tights, garmin, speedy OCR2. Their treestumps goin at 99 rpm, tires whining.
A mere click later, just after the blind hills and corners when the trail opens up allowing for rather less congested travel, they're still ahead of me pumping away. Not sure if they saw the sleek whisper of blue streak past them, but it was their only chance. Those times I wished I had a mtn bike or even cross-cycle? Ya, not so much anymore.

13k, 38min, avg 20.5kh (wind gusts to 50k)

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