Saturday 11 April 2009


A mere 11kms, 26 minutes worth (avg speed 25kh, top speed 37.2kh), but it was my first highway experience on a roadbike (since my youth) and I was all decked out in my new duds (dam, but I look sexy in those bibs). I changed out of some reasonable clothes at the bottom of the hill from the cabin, hoping no trucks would come by carrying bands of angry red-neckers ready to flog some sense into a fancy boy. I drove/surveyed a stretch on 22x, swallowed back the intimidation from not a few other riders on the road -- including a small group of 8 -- pretended to ignore the beaches of grit on the shoulders, struggled with the clip-ins for an unbearable several seconds, and pushed off.
I'm ready for much more, but am glad I got this first little ride out of the way. And to be honest, it is probably best I stopped short of anything more ambitious. I yet have no spare (or knowledge what to do with one), no waterbottle, no gloves, no balance . . . and I consumed far too much whiskey and tobacco last night to make a good showing anyway.

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