Saturday 11 April 2009

That was fun

Beautiful day, beautiful conditions: 37.4km on the bike, including over 600m of elevation gain. Four main hills.
Expected to feel rough on the slow burn last 7k back into Buxton, but felt surprisingly good (in spite of putting too much sickly watermelon mixture into my bottle -- teeth on edge or what!).
HRM too high on the hills, but that will come down. And the speed wasn't brilliant -- average over 22kmh, when I'd like it to be closer to 28km eventually.
But hey, another day down the road to regaining some fitness.
Cycling to Manchester tomorrow (35km or so). Next week is about running every day and getting into the pool to start the swimming.
Here's the record of the ride (Ken, hurry up and get yourself Ascent. The best $20 you'll spend).
Edit: actually, blogger won't let me upload it. So, instead, here's an inspirational video. This is what cycling up hills is all about. Take it away Johan Museeuw (and, year, I know he had "assistance" throughout his career).

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